Thursday, January 3, 2019

botXcoin – Future token for financial freedom

The single most important part of Satoshi‘s invention was that he found away to build a decentralized digital cash system. In the nineties, there have been many attempts to create digital money, but they all failed. After seeing all the centralized attempts fail, Satoshi tried to build a digital cash system without a central entity. Like a Peer-to-Peer network for file sharing. This decision became the birth of cryptocurrency. They are the missing piece Satoshi found to realize digital cash. The reason why is a bit technical and complex, but once we get it, we will know about cryptocurrencies than most people do. So, let‘s try to make it as easy as possible. To realize digital cash we need a payment network with accounts, balances, and transaction. That‘s easy to understand. One major problem every payment network has to solve is to prevent the so-called double spending: to prevent that one entity spends the same amount twice. Usually, this is done by a central server who keeps record about the balances.

In a decentralized network, we don‘t have this server. So we need every single entity of the network to do this job. Every peer in the network needs to have a list with all transactions to check if future transactions are valid or an attempt to double spend. But how can these entities keep a consensus about this records? If the peers of the network disagree about only one single, minor balance, everything is broken. They need an absolute consensus.
Usually, we take, again, a central authority to declare the correct state of balances. But how can we achieve consensus without a central authority? Nobody did know until Satoshi emerged out of nowhere. In fact, nobody believed it was even possible. Satoshi proved it was. His major innovation was to achieve consensus without a central authority. Cryptocurrencies are a part of this solution – the
part that made the solution thrilling, fascinating and helped it to roll over the world. If we take away all the noise around cryptocurrencies and reduce it to a simple definition, we find it to be just limited entries in a database no one can change without fulfilling specific conditions. This may seem ordinary, but, believe it or not: this is exactly how we can define a currency. Take the money on our bank account: What is it more than entries in a database that can only be changed under specific conditions? We can even take physical coins and notes: What are they else than limited entries in a public physical database that can only be changed if we match the condition than we physically own the coins and notes? Money is all about a verified entry in some kind of database of accounts, balances, and transactions. In general and simple explanation, nowadays cryptocurrencies devide become 2 types, Coin and Token. Each of them has different functions and features. Many people believed that Coin is able to be mined and Token is not able.

BotXcoin token is our cryptocurrency solution to a human limitation. Using cutting edge technologies and partnership program, BotXcoin token enables to give passive income for the token holders in our loyalty program. We treat every single BotXcoin token holder more than our investor, but also as our partner. In our partnership program, BotXcoin token holder can utilize our Trading Robot application named “BOTX App” that is able running in major cryptocurrency exchanges all over the world

Additionally, BotXcoin also has a bounty program that is open publicly in order to promote our community and Token sale. Users who apply for this program will receive BotXcoin Tokens for free in exchange of their effort in running our campaigns, such as: Telegram campaign, Twitter Campaign, Written Contest, etc. The BotXcoin Token crowd-sale runs between December 1st, 2018 until January 28th, 2019 and the Bounty Program will run throughout the crowdsale. For completing each activity, users will receive a certain BotXcoin Tokens. The number of all BotXcoin Tokens given out will be calculated after the Token sale ends. Total max 10 million BotXcoin Tokens will be distributed to the approved participants of Bounty program according to the stakes accumulated against the total amount after February 2019

This White Paper in current form is being circulated by the Issuer for general information and to invite investor feedback only on the BotXcoin platform (the “BotXcoin Platform”) as presently conceived and is subject to review and revision by the directors of the Issuer, the advisers, and/or legal advisers of the Issuer. Please do not replicate or distribute any part of this White Paper without this note in accompaniment. No part of this White Paper is intended to create legal relations between a recipient of this White Paper, or to be legally binding or enforceable by such recipient, against the Issuer.

To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, BotXcoin as issuer and/or the Distributor shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this White Paper or any part thereof by you.

BotXcoin as issuer and/or the Distributor DOES NOT make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in this White Paper.

In order to support the activity and operations, This White Papers completing with several information includes market and industry information and also forecast that have been obtained from internal surveys and deeply research based on market research oriented. We genuine believe all the research such surveys, report, studies, market research and publicly available information that designed and prepared from sources believed to be reliable. Although the source is reliable, but there can be no assurance and/or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of those information. In case you save for BotXcoin , The Distributor and their affiliates has provided his or her consent to the inclusion of his or her name and/or other information attributed or perceived to be attributed to such person in connection therewith in this White Paper and no representation, warranty or undertaking is or purported to be provided as to the accuracy or completeness of such information by such person and such persons shall not be obliged to provide any updates on the same. Due BotXcoin and/or the Distributor to make sure reasonable actions the information is extracted with accurately and proper, hereby BotXcoin and/or The Distributor have not conducted and affiliated any independent review of
the information that extracted by Third Party sources instead verified the accuracy of completeness information. Because of those reason, BotXcoin and/ or The Distributor nor their affiliates action on behalf makes any representation or warranty as to the accuracy and/or completeness of such information and shall not be obliged to provide any updates on the same.

For More Information :
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Whitepapper               :
Authors                       : tellysa

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