The name “Luxcess” consists of two words, “Luxury” and “Success” that very well describe our team’s goals. The word “Luxury”, on the one hand, represents abundance, quality, luxury, and surplus, but, on the other hand, the word “Success” stands for success as a crucial characteristic. When these two words are combined, we get a strong combination that indicates the direction in which the story and the people who stand behind it will go. The word “Group” was added to this coinage, representing community, connection, and team.
It all began in the year 2013 when we traded our own financial means and invested them in shares, gold, silver and currencies. In the first half of the year 2014, we started connecting people with the same thinking and interests. In that period, we realised that two heads are better than one, since each person sees things differently and from their own perspective. Thus, we started working as a real team, which allowed for qualitative analyses and trading multiple things at the same time.
Until today, the Luxcess team has been providing and taking care of its own means and those of some private clients, achieving enviable results. Those results have been achieved by means of a system that combines diversified investment portfolio, fast responsiveness to change and innovation, experienced traders, external advisers and excellent teamwork.
The vision of our investment group, Luxcess, is to help people become a part of a big investment family. On the other hand, the goal is to enable a transparent management and capital escalation for as many people as possible. We have always believed that teamwork, up-to-date information and discipline are most important for success. We will not only join the investments, such as crypto-holding, crypto-trading, forex trading, silver and gold and start up projects, but will also provide for integration of the general public into a big family, which will increase the generated profit and provide for a better tomorrow of all of its members. To get Luxcess closer to people, we are going to open many new offices in 2018, 2019 and 2020. There, people will have the opportunity to find out more about the Luxcess Group, where our colleagues will always be available for your questions. In addition to this, it will be possible to buy, sell or change LXC coins in these offices.
This is an investment platform on which, with mere clicks, you invest LXC coins in the internal LXC index, which is formed by portfolio’s successfulness. The advantage of the platform is that it is based on the blockchain technology, which has many positive factors, such as quickness, transparency, accuracy, reliability, security and decentralisation. On the platform, you will have constant control over your capital, and you can, at any time, decide to raise your capital, withdraw one part or withdraw the entire capital without an entry or exit charge. Here, you can check your current account credit, history of investments, the price of the LXC coin, any important information, as well as the news about the Luxcess Group. The platform is very simple to use, but still offers professional investments. It is going to be available as a mobile application, too. As we have mentioned before, transparency in the Luxcess Group is vital, and this is one of the reasons why we decided to establish the Royal platform.
The intention of the The Luxcess Group is to introduce investment to the general public. We wish to introduce it as an activity in which anyone can be involved. Thus, the idea and the platform are designed in a way that ensures a fast and quick use, since everything can be done with several clicks of the mouse.
We are the first project that offers you three types of earnings: the coin price growth, a reward in case of your support from the outset, and Royal Luxcess Trading.
We offer you a rare opportunity that is not “pump and dump” but a chance for a longterm income. Also, we added extra rewards for your loyalty.
With this project you have an excellent opportunity to become a part of a crypto-world, taste its advantages over classic investments and follow the trend. The advantage of the blockchain technology is its quickness, transparency, negligible commissions, accuracy, reliability, safety and decentralisation.
The Luxcess offers you three types of earnings. The first possibility is Initial coin offering or ICO where you can buy the LXC coins at the best price. We have developed the system that will reward everybody who will be loyal to us from the very beginning.
The Luxcess team has created the Royal platform, where you invest your coins after the purchase. At that point, you decide whether you invest the coins in Hold or LXC index. The Royal Luxcess Hold is an option where you safely store and keep your coins. You then make a profit or lose it, depending on whether the coin price rises or falls on the official stock markets. You can transfer your coins to Royal Luxcess Trading at any time, or withdraw them and put in your wallet. Investing coins in the Royal Luxcess Trading gives you an additional opportunity to create profit. All LXC coins that you invest in trading will be dispersed in an existing portfolio. Profits and losses will be recorded in a joint internal LXC index, and your yield will be based on it. LXC index shows performance or profit growth percentage, which is created in the complete portfolio of the Luxcess Group.

For More Information :
Website :
Whitepaper :
Author : Tellysa
Bitcoin profile Link :
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