Saturday, September 1, 2018



VIARIUM is a pioneering concept of virtual decentralized space where a pre-set array of tools is used to create a full-fledged VR world of your choice. While the platform is being created and developed with the support by the owners of those worlds and contributors of server capacity, the initial phase of the project solely uses our team’s resources. The project participants take the unique advantage of launching and developing their own points of sale and even entire virtual worlds. Soaring sales aside, extra revenues can be earned through the use of an internal token. Blockchain technology underlies the economic architecture within the created virtual reality. The use of a decentralized ledger allows one to keep records of property rights, ensure transparency of server capacity payments and easily execute smart contracts and other processes. The platform is designed to reach the widest possible audience: investors, developers of VR-content; small business owners; science fiction and art fans; real estate development firms, healthcare and shipbuilding companies as well as individual buyers. Exhibitions, galleries and even whole cities will be readily available for users to create and attend.

VIARIUM is a tool that will completely replace physical venues. VIARIUM consists of a single virtual space that includes VR worlds and VR architecture for shopping centers, standalone buildings, showrooms and other VR models created on the VIARIUM platform by our team or independent third-party developers


VIARIUM offers brands, business owners, companies and individuals to sell their products using VR technologies. The areas where the platform can be applied is almost unlimited: Internet business solutions, VR-online games, sports events, the creation of any art objects, the restoration of historical monuments and/or retracing historical events, advertising, collecting, education, tourism, medicine, social communication, nonprofit events, mass events, concerts, to name but a few. VIARIUM is literally a copy of the real world in which far fewer restrictions and more opportunities are offered to develop business and implement projects the community might find interesting.

Given the relative infancy of VR-technologies, “entry points” from the real world to the virtual one are envisioned for the convenience of users. To this effect, we install physical showrooms with VR equipment inside at shopping malls, all around the world. We call them “islets” as they enable businesses to display any product in an area from 1m2 to10m2. This way, costs are reduced significantly for a business. 

VIARIUM Open Source Platform

In the future, the use of an own blockchain will make it possible to cut down the server capacity costs by distributing the network load among multiple nod participants in the network.


The main objective of the VIARIUM project is to develop virtual space for efficient implementation of various projects and finding solutions to the tasks facing the contemporary society. This list includes, but is not limited to, the following: businessoriented, information, entertainment, charity and other projects. Any society, including a society that exists within a virtual space, has a propensity for economically advantageous exchange-based interrelations. Organization of an exchange gives rise to a local economic system inextricably intertwined with the global economy and flows of information and resources (in this case, in the form of digital currencies). In this connection, the development of an efficient economic system is among the vital factors of the project’s success.

The primary global idea of the virtual reality is to create a world without limitations. Removing limitations by introducing new technologies entails the risk of facing a number of other challenges, including those associated with the need of maintaining the working capacity of the technological base used to create the new reality. Relying on many years of our own experience in the development of and technical support to VR, and also having reviewed the economic systems of various societies, we have identified the following basic resources of the space being created:

Basic requirements to the VIARIUM platform’s economic model :

1 Efficient solutions to the problems of limitations and balancing of the system. Adjustment of the system balancing mechanisms in tune with the changing environment of the internal markets of limited resources.

2. Ease of use of mechanisms of mutual settlements with product end users in a virtual space.

3. Technological and economic safety. Immunity from attacks both in terms of technology and economy.

4. VIARIUM’s integration in the global economy and enabling the creation of an additional value for business and society.

5. Availability of mechanisms that protect the internal economy from external shocks or level down their negative impact.

Value Distribution within the VIARIUM platform

Based on auction results, the ownership rights to virtual space units are registered in an unalterable register using blockchain technologies. VR plot content is limited by the author’s fantasy only. We strongly recommend that the owners of territories on the VIARIUM platform check their content for compliance with the corresponding legal requirements of the jurisdiction of their registration. However, we recognize that compliance with laws of any jurisdiction is a sovereign right of the virtual content’s author. If a majority of owners of other plots vote against acceptability of certain content for the community, the plot will be closed. The owner of a plot with unacceptable content will be deprived of the possibility to advertise and somehow make others aware of his/her project within the world of the VIARIUM system, in which the plot was located. Access to the plot will be possible only for users upon the owner’s invitation or by a unique link. 

The project provides for the possibility of a diverse use of one’s plot, i.e. it may be used for any purpose: business, entertainment, noncommercial, educational project, social investment, etc.CBasic processes and their significance for the project’s economy at the creation of new territories in the VIARIUM virtual world


The VRX token (VIARIUM) is the project’s key component and the internal economic unit of the platform. The token is needed for settlements among platform participants. VRX is used in the following intra-platform transactions:

  • Payment of a contribution when creating a new territory; In the auctions of determining the ownership of plots when creating virtual territories and in transactions of change of the owner (sale) of plots.
  • Payment of fees (if any) for creation and monetization of unique objects, marketplace fees and other payments
  • Payment for server capacity that supports operations of the whole virtual space
  • Payment for licenses for the use of content, if the authors have availed themselves of this alternative of monetizing their intellectual property
  • Payment for the services of employees and various service providers of the platform.
The VIARIUM token’s value is ensured by the following characteristics of the virtual world functioning:

The more territories and plots thereon are actively used, the higher the market demand. Growth of the sale market of graphical objects and licenses therefor. Development of the market of unique virtual objects and sales thereof. Growth of the trading volumes in the virtual plot and property market.

According to the equation of exchange, MV = PQ or MV = T, where T is the total volume of the token transaction market expressed in USD (for ease of calculation).

Taking into account that the token circulation velocity is constant (V = const), then M ~ T, where M is the monetary base volume, or, in fact, the project’s capitalization (as the project’s capitalization is expressed in the value of tokens). This paragraph refers exclusively to the required size of the monetary base sufficient for all economic settlements in the system. Besides the volume of the token transaction market, key elements of token valuation are the number of tokens frozen in various contracts and funds and the actual demand in exchanges and trading platforms, associated, among other things, with consumer activities of external users.

Thus the VRX tokens’ value and cost depend on an aggregate of various factors, of which the main one is the size of the project’s internal market expressed in USD* ,supplemented with an actual demand in the exchange resulting from user activity. Important: any user in the VIARIUM world has the opportunity for economic interaction with any virtual space business or project in any convenient form. It means that we don’t put restrictions on the use of any currencies and means of settlements by territory owners and users selling goods **.


At the early stages of the project, its structure is quite centralized, while the project itself is exposed to higher security risks due to possible limitation of server capacity. The main feature of a decentralized system should be deemed equal opportunities of all network participants for interaction with the public register. The decentralization process in a wider sense started in various economic fields several decades ago. The Internet offers a greater freedom of speech and an easier access to information. Apart from traditional mass media such as publishing houses and new agencies, we now have blogs, video channels, and messenger channels, where content and information distribution are handled by bloggers rather than journalists.

A free market encourages all its participants to be independent and free of censorship. A content generating system (in our case – the virtual space and its universe) can become truly decentralized only if a large number of network participants receive, record and, most importantly, compare each entry in the register. It means that decentralization should be measured by the number of information recipients, not by the number of people who record such information. It is much more difficult to deceive a network with an extensive number of decentralized nodes that compare entries in the register, as opposed to a centralized register. It means that the more the so-called entry validators exist in the network, the greater the extent to which the network is decentralized.

In the future, the VIARIUM platform’s blockchain will use the delegated proof of stake (DPOS) algorithm. This algorithm is an advanced tool that enables networks to select a more reliable record validator. Another not less important feature of this algorithm is that it provides an easier way for ensuring network scalability and the speed of transactions being recorded.

The VIARIUM platform’s transition from a centralized structure (initially characteristic of actually any organization) to a decentralized one will be gradual. At the early development stages, the system’s centralized architecture will be instrumental in countering unscrupulous participants, preventing their attacks on the networks and protecting the interests of bona fide participants. As the network grows and virtual spaces expand, the system will gradually adopt decentralized management and functioningThe advantages of such structure can be exemplified by transaction interrelations among individuals and organizations. Human interrelations are based on economic benefits with regard to each other expressed by a quantitative or qualitative equivalent. Private systems have, from ancient times, shown their incapacity for scaling and expensiveness of transaction relations. In other words, they fail to ensure proper services for resources entrusted to them. Instead of reducing transaction costs when adjusting their operations in accordance with the regime, institutions increase such costs thus “putting spokes in their own wheels” and preventing further growth. A typical solution is exemplified by the world’s first DAO, i.e. bitcoin. An open source decentralized system solves these problems by recording transactions in an accessible public register thus demonstrating the advantages of decentralized systems.

We believe that projects like EOS and other registers that are distributed more reasonably can save virtually any project from centralization.32 The DPOS algorithm applied in the VIARIUM project will allow for a more secured, but at the same time decentralized market to be created. This will have an impact in the first instance on interactions with capacity representatives. Virtual worlds will be controlled by the whole network, rather than a single representative of capacities. In this context, capacity representatives must have an additional impetus for participation in the system besides collecting lease payments for their land. Such additional impetus may be a new, more integrated economic model. 

The VIARIUM project and company are also developing other virtual space products. Products in which we believe, products that will change the world and expand areas for VR technology application. Taking into account the possibility of large-scale changes in the VIARIUM platform’s system, we realize that they will require a new or supplementary program document that would fully describe in detail all new interaction processes, economy, architecture, etc. We are prepared to publish such a document in Q4 2018 at the earliest.

For More Information :

Website            :
Telegram         :

Authors             : tellysa

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